
Schizothymia is Japanese rock band formed from the members of the bands Quraysh and SILVERBULLET in June 2011, but they officially started their activities in 30 September, when was their first live. In April 2012 they started to record new songs, but in May drummer Shun left the band due to personal reasons, but on 22th July new drummer Hiroki joined the band. Few days before this they released their first demo CD “DUAL NATURE”. Guitarist Takeo left the band after their live on 14th September. After several lives, in which Takeo’s part was taken from support guitarist Yuma, in the live on 9th January 2013 guitarist U.key officially joined the band.

May 2013 new songs were recorded for new CD release, which will be on 28th June at Shibuya CYCLONE!

Vocal: Tomo
Guitar: Masato
Guitar: U.key
Bass: Saako
Drums: Hiroki

Official site (in Japanese)!